A Missoula That Works for Everyone
Stacie Anderson was born and raised in Montana where the values of public service and showing up for your community were instilled in her from an early age. As the daughter of a first responder, her father was a police officer and then a firefighter, she saw firsthand the difference someone can make when they show up for the people in their community. Her mother, a CPA, instilled the value of perseverance, hard work, and the knowledge that kindness is never overrated. It was around the dinner table that Stacie learned her progressive values--values that have guided her life and career choices ever since. Family discussion around local issues and their community taught Stacie it was up to everyday people to make sure their community worked for everyone.
After graduating from Flathead High School, Stacie attended the University of Montana where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Communications. It was at the University of Montana that her desire to represent the voices around her turned into action. She became the President of the University of Montana College Democrats and began working as a Special Events Coordinator and Intern Director for Senator Max Baucus's re-election campaign. During this time she also met Mark Anderson, the love of her life and the man who would become her husband. They quickly fell in love after discovering their shared love of learning, skiing, and the vibrancy of Missoula.
After college, Stacie continued to help elect candidates who shared her values. She learned that showing up and listening to your constituents is the most valuable quality an elected official can have. Taking the time to understand diverse concerns and points of view while engaging with thoughtful and open dialogue is democracy at its best. Stacie took her skills and went to work as the Development Director for Montana Conservation Voters before becoming the Executive Director at Carol’s List, an organization that works to get progressive, pro-choice women elected to local and state office. Stacie also served on the board of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Montana.
Stacie is a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. When she is not traveling around the state listening to her fellow Montanans, she can be found taking in all of Mother Nature’s glory at her family’s cabin on Lake 5 near Glacier Park or on the nearest ski slopes.